Blog by Aniruddha

My first-hand experience working on .Net, what I learnt so far

by Aniruddha on 2020-02-24 14:11:04

My first-hand experience working on .Net, what I learnt so far

I have been working on .Net technologies for the past 3 years, and today I am here to write up something on my experience. However, this is not a post about any specific topic on .Net. I have been assigned to several projects so far and have coded in C-Sharp(C#) language mostly. The worth remembering project was a multi-project solution. .Net core was the startup project and standard library projects used for accommodating Services, Automappers, DTOs, Configurations and other kind of objects. We developed it in Visual Studio 2017 community edition. Plenty of common NuGet packages we have used here, like Newtonshoft, RestSharp, Automapper, IdentityServer4, Logging etc. We also used Swagger documentation on the Core 2.2 project and applied JWT as OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens to secure the commutation. The single sign-on is placed by introducing a Federated Gateway via an Identity Server. Oh, I forgot to mention about the WCF service. There are several external services we had to consume, I can�t resist myself to mention the Taleo one. Taleo is one of the classic cloud products by Oracle technology, for capturing Job, Application, Requisition, Applicant�s data, many Giant enterprises using this. Now the most important point here is, on Taleo, you will find too less documentation, especially on C-Sharp, the only available sample is in full .Net Framework. Implementing Taleo via WCF in Core 2.2 was challenging to us. We modified the WCF reference to the Taleo service and fulfilled the requirements somehow. The application behaves as an API service provider, and it may sound too familiar to you as compared to @JAMstack, the most popular word nowadays discussed. Although the Markdown is not present here, it�s JAMstack. Surprised? Obviously, there is a front end part of the application exists, which is in React. So it�s creating a build and a static site is generated. Guys, you know, being a proclaimer of JAMstack orientation, I one day raised a discussion, where I proposed about convert/migrate the front end to @Gatsby, but you know, tough guys from .Net, showed me red eyes, I dare to speak something else afterwards :P You know as an API, most of the back end part of applications behave as a JSON grasper, it doesn�t know any other way of communicating, sometimes I wondered on this. There is a huge role-play of DTOs(Data Transfer Objects). You know better than me, that a structural data to be parsed, a DTO with a good level of Serializer abstraction is really needed. I even did mistakes many times, by unnecessarily serializing and deserializing object to JSON and vice versa, but my Senior was too cool and showed me why abstract serialization is needed. I know you guys have been thinking, what is the point of sharing this stupid information, you already know all these, but guys, as I said, I will speak something meaningless in this discussion, I kept my promise :) Ping me, message me, tweet me� whatever the other ways of communication, you can reach out to me, I really appreciate if at all the discussion seems helpful to you. See you another day�TaDa