Blog by Aniruddha

How to add successive crons via puppet

by Aniruddha on 2018-07-19 10:07:32

How to add successive crons via puppet

I want to add successive crons via puppet, first one to set as each 10 minutes, and the 2nd one to run in Sunday 7:00PM. The first cron in puppet is working properly, but the 2nd one shows the below error: "Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid relationship: Cron[notifyinactivetargetweekly] { require => File[] }, because File[] doesn't seem to be in the catalog Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run" Below are the manifest code.

cron { 'firstsynccron':
    command => "${phpapp::DocRootDir}/ ${scmdemophp::Environment} ${phpapp::DocRootDir}",
    require => File["${phpapp::DocRootDir}/"],
    minute  => '*/10',

cron { 'notifyweeklycron':
    command => "${phpapp::DocRootDir}/ ${phpapp::Environment} ${phpapp::DocRootDir}",
    require => File["${phpapp::DocRootDir}/"],
    minute  => '00',
    hour  => '19',
    weekday  => 'Sunday',


The hieradata consists the below classloading:

  - phpapp::mysymfonydeploy

the init.pp of edsconsoledeploy consists:

class scmdemophp {
    $DocRootDir = "/var/code"

and I checked that the file "/app/code/" exists. UPDATES: I have created the same, but for some reason the cron is not running as per timing:

file { "${DocRootDir}/":
  ensure  => file,
  content => "... whatever's in the file, or use a template/source ...",
cron { 'notifyweeklycron':
    command => "${phpapp::DocRootDir}/ ${phpapp::Environment} ${phpapp::DocRootDir}",
    require => File["${phpapp::DocRootDir}/"],
    minute  => '*/15',


but its not running after 15 minutes, need help

  1. The puppet log says: File[/var/code/]/mode: mode changed '0664' to '0751'
  2. but it does not showing the same for File[/var/code/]/mode: mode changed '0664' to '0751'
  3. frequency changes are reflecting though

I was so confused and searching what to do, I received an answer on a tech forum, and that I want to describe here: What I was missing was using a requirebeforesubscribe or notify parameter, which says that a resource is related to a file or other resource must contain a valid reference. The require is requiring a file resource which is defined in your Puppet manifests, and also surprisingly it does not necessarily a file on the server location. So what was there in my code:

require => File["${phpapp::DocRootDir}/"],

So puppet was expecting, a file resource destined at /var/code/notifyweeklycron.shshould exist as per my manifest, and the fix was:

file { "${phpapp:DocRootDir}/":
  ensure  => file,
  content => "... whatever's in the file, or use a template/source ...",

My require issue has been resolved.